我们为教师提供强化21世纪 学习技能的培训和持续性的 指导。我们的师培着重以学 习者为中心的教学法,这种 教学法可以通过学习成果的 评估来衡量学生的成绩。
提供学校行政人员,系主任 和校长培训和指导。内容包 括支持和辅导以学习者为中 心的教学环境,课程研发和 课程评估。
中国的教师,大学教职员和 行政人员有机会来美国接受 包括观察学校在内的专业培 训,同时亲身体验美国文化 。 美国的学生和老师可以去 中国学习语言和体验文化。
; 新组织旨在增加新的教师
结合高效率的核心实践,逆 向课程设计和实践性评估, 教师和行政人员可以接受目 前以学习者为中心的教学方 法。
举办为期一天或两天的讲习 班,帮助教师和行政人员加 深对最新教学的理解,并将 这些教学技能应用到他们的 教学环境中。 此外,参与者 还可以从专业网络以及知识 和资源共享中受益。
提供外语课程的评估,以确 保课程符合21世纪语言学习 的标准,评量学生的外语水 平。
为教师和学生创造参与国际 合作项目的机会。
Dr. Yu-Lan Lin, a teacher and administrator for 40 years, retired from her position as the Senior Program Director of World Languages of the Boston Public Schools in 2013 and from serving as the Executive Director of the Chinese Language Association of Secondary--Elementary Schools (CLASS) in 2018. Dr. Lin has been a national consultant and served on numerous Chinese AP Committee for the College Board. She has also served as the Board of Directors for MaFLA, NECTFL, and ACTFL. Her published work includes co-authorship of the CLASS Professional Standards for K-12 Chinese Teachers, ACTFL’s Language Learning for the 21st Century, Chinese Standards section, and Asia Society’s publication on Chinese Immersion programs. Dr. Lin received the Distinguished Service Award from MaFLA in 2004 and is the 2010 recipient of the NECTFL’s Nelson H. Brooks Award for Outstanding Leadership in the Profession, as well as the 2010 recipient of the ACTFL’s Florence Steiner Award for Leadership in K-12 Foreign Language Education. Her recent work involves training future leaders for K-12 Chinese language field.
Hu Wanli is the former Director of the Chinese Program Center at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. He received his diploma of American Studies in American History from Smith College, Northampton, MA, and his Ph.D. in Sino- American Relations from UMASS Amherst. Dr. Hu currently is a faculty member at Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology.
Susan Cook Thanas, retired English teacher from Duxbury, Massachusetts, helped co-found the Sino-American Bridge for Education and Health, Inc. (SABEH) in 2004 and was later chairman for 10 years. Earlier she taught as an AFS teacher in Stavropol, Russia, and directed four choral exchanges in Russia/the USSR. Particularly interested in helping people of differing cultures learn about one another, she has hosted and mentored several people, including AFS teachers from Chongqing, China, and Bangkok, Thailand; AFS students from Thailand and Switzerland; and two students from Korea. She taught at Jin Cai High School in Shanghai, 2005-2006, at Anhui University in Hefei, 2012-2013, and for SABEH in Beijing, Chongqing, Fuzhou, Nanjing, and Hangzhou over several summers. Susan now enjoys sharing her love of Chinese culture and history by teaching Lifelong Learning courses at local Senior Centers.
Kevin Freeley is a former Boston Public School teacher of over 30 years. He was a BPS exchange teacher to Beijing in the 05/06 school year. During that time he was able to volunteer one day a week at the Dandelion School in the first year of its existence. Since retirement he has been teaching English to immigrants in Boston. He is a lifelong Boston resident and both his children attended Boston Public Schools from kindergarten through high school.
Star Yixing Lew currently teaches Mandarin at Newton North High School, where Mandarin is a full- fledged comprehensive program. Star was a recipient of the 2013 UMass Boston Fulbright-Hays Group Study Abroad Program. She has been a principal instructor at UMass Boston’s STARTALK Program, and a presenter at numerous workshops and conferences. Currently, she is also an academic coach for New England Chinese Teacher Leadership Institute at Tufts University. Star serves on the Board of NECLTA and NEELI.